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Nectar Moth releases new single: “Hold Your Shoulders Back” – a song for the empowered expression for all

Nectar Moth releases new single: “Hold Your Shoulders Back” – a song for the empowered expression for all

I want to help create a culture where it is not only safe, but encouraged to speak up, exercise your rights, ask for what you need, and stand your ground.”

nectar moth

Bishop, CA – In “Hold Your Shoulders Back,” Nectar Moth (Bishop resident Sara Kaiser) calls for you to embody your true power, defined not by strength or dominance, but rather by courage and wisdom.

This fierce and empowering composition is for anyone who has ever felt fear or doubt around speaking up. It is an invitation into self-confidence, self-expression, and the embodiment of true leadership through continual reflection and ethical confrontation.

“This song is not merely an invitation to step up and speak up,” notes Kaiser. “Lots of people are stepping up and speaking up in harmful ways. The song calls for more – it calls for each of us to continually reflect on what we believe and what we are saying, taking a powerful stand with great care.”

The song also marks Kaiser’s first release made in collaboration with audio engineer Cody Engstrom.

“Having Cody’s expertise brought to this song was such a gift. He created a really fascinating spatial experience and dynamic movement to help this song feel alive.”

The themes of the song come from Kaiser’s personal life experiences and is directed to those who feel fear and discouragement around speaking up. It is a song of encouragement and solidarity, toward a culture of empowered expression for all.

“At first, I wrote the song to give myself courage to start singing in front of people, back in 2022,” noted Kaiser. “I did, and it was terrifying, but it changed my life. As the lyrics evolved, I realized there was more to the message within Hold Your Shoulders Back.

Throughout my life, speaking up has often resulted in backlash, criticism, rejection, even retaliation, with serious consequences, no matter how diplomatic and gentle I am. This isn’t right, and it is all too common, especially for women. I want to help create a culture where it is not only safe, but encouraged to speak up, exercise your rights, ask for what you need, and stand your ground.”

Kaiser has created a companion guide to go with the song: Fierce Feminine: creating a culture of empowered expression for all available for purchase here.

At its core, “Hold Your Shoulders Back” affirms the listener’s innate capacity and opportunity to activate their own power and challenges them to claim their right to be heard, even if doing so feels frightening, even if the world isn’t ready to respond with skill and grace.

“Just because we stand up and speak up skillfully does not mean others will have the maturity or compassion to respond well. We have to be willing to take that risk. It is better to be making waves than to be carried by the current. You will reveal the true character of those around you.

And you do not have to feel courageous to begin to speak up. Sometimes, the actual feeling of courage doesn’t arrive until after you speak, or sing, or however it is you take your stand. And most important, know that the way someone reacts when you speak up is not your responsibility. It is theirs.”

Hold your shoulders back
There’s not a thing you lack
And everyone is waiting for you
To claim your power so
Hold your shoulders back

Hold Your Shoulders Back” is now available on all major streaming platforms.

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About Nectar Moth

Nectar Moth is the musical project of Bishop resident Sara Kaiser, a rising artist known for her evocative layered vocals, lyrical intrigue, and ethereal soundscapes deeply inspired by life in the Eastern Sierra.

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