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Inyo Council for the Arts Gallery Showcase Announcements

Gallery Showcase Updates:
‘Valley Voyage’ Extended & ‘Sounds of Summer’ Cancelled

inyo council for the arts

inyo council for the arts

Dear Members, Patrons of the Arts, & Featured Artists,

We have two gallery showcase updates for you. Regrettably, we are cancelling the upcoming “Sounds of Summer” showcase. On the bright side, we are pleased to announce that we will be extending the current “Valley Voyage” exhibit. “Valley Voyage” will now run until October 11th.

With summer in full swing and many people traveling, we felt it was the perfect opportunity to keep the engaging “Valley Voyage” works on display a little longer. We hope you continue to enjoy this exhibit. We look forward to welcoming you to our next show (“Reflections”) in November 2024!

Warm Regards,

Inyo Council for the Arts

Stay tuned on all things Inyo Council for the Arts –
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Thank you

-ICA Staff

Inyo Council for the Arts
150 Willow Street, Bishop, California 93514
(760) 873-8014 /

inyo council for the arts

Inyo Council for the Arts (ICA) is a non-profit community-based organization that advances the arts in Inyo County through participation, education, and collaboration. Art enriches lives, creates a language that connects all people, and celebrates diverse cultures and historical heritages. ICA provides venues for artists to perform and share their work, and for the community to gather in appreciation of the arts.

Thank you for your support!

inyo council for the arts

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